This Fertilizer Thing – Eesh

Guess what Urea is. Starts with ur…   Yep-urine. I’ve just never had occasion to put much thought into fertilizer. It’s not like you wade through it on the way to the carrots in the produce section so it’s been off my radar.

I started the bale conditioning with blood meal but exhausted my meager (but not inexpensive) supply in the first two days so needed to find an alternative.

Turns out pee is a wondrous source of nitrogen. Yay. And it comes is large, economical quantities. Yay.

So I waddled my 55lb bag of dried pee from the far back corner of the store, wrestled it into the car and returned to the bales.

While this blog isn’t intended to be instructional, it bears noting here that fertilizers should be used with care, stored with care, and respected like a scary grandmother. Behave yourself around them. Seriously.

Days 4 & 5 – 1/2 cup of Urea watered into each bale. Ma Nature’s lending a hand today so the drip hose will get a mini vaca.

That’s an impressive nitrogen content right there. Very git er done.
I feel like this is what it would look like if a stone statue could pee.
It takes more effort (and maaaaany more black fly bites) to water the urea down into the bales than it did the blood meal.
I’d just come home from the gym. I think you can see it through the shoulders…
Jackson was the furry friend of the day.


2 thoughts on “This Fertilizer Thing – Eesh

  1. lucindablogs says:

    Hi Shelley! I love gardening but have never heard of using straw bales. I’m excited to see what happens! Will be following your fantastic blog to find out!


  2. Hi Lucinda, Welcome to my life! So pleased you’re interested and following along. I’ll be following you as well – there are remarkable similarities in our lives that are being lived on opposite sides of the Atlantic. Your list of interests and potential topics are the very same as mine! Here’s to life…cheers.

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